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Sjani - Institute of Georgian Literature

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ΣΧΟΛΗ (Schole) Vol. 9.1 (2015)

The spaces on the gravestone-zone are filled with an interlocking pattern of Arabic and Turkish inscriptions defined by rectangular bands to floral motifs, which are inscribed in looking with some pictorial icons much more elegant than earlier types The spaces on the gravestone-zone are filled with an interlocking pattern of Arabic and Turkish inscriptions defined by rectangular bands to floral motifs, which are inscribed in looking with some pictorial icons much more elegant than earlier types. Редакционная коллегия: к. Степикин, зам. Фаюм, Арабская республика Египет ; к. Ильяшенко Институт археологии РАН ; д.

ΣΧΟΛΗ (Schole) Vol. 9.1 (2015)
Sjani - Tbilisi State University

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Calaméo - The Deceased's Hair Colors On Dagestan Tombstones Of Derbend During The 12th18th Century
Sjani - Tbilisi State University

Share your interactive ePaper on all platforms and on your website with our embed function. Sjani - Tbilisi State University. Vaja-Pshavelas intellectual heritage already belongs to the world intellectual inheritance.

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