Общество с ограниченной ответственностью Научно-Производственное Предприятие "Челябинский инструментальный завод", , Челябинская обл. Открытое акционерное общество "Жуковский машиностроительный завод", , Московская обл. Акционерное общество "ТеконГруп", , Москва, ул.
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Written by Leah Butz. Photo: Imani Cenac. What they do: Nos Quedamos is a South Bronx-based housing and social service organization that was initially formed to help prevent Melrose residents from being pushed out of their community by redevelopment efforts. Their work respects, supports, and involves the community in plans and policies addressing issues of long-term affordable housing, open space, environmental justice, and community renewal. Outraged by the injustice of their displacement, the local community banded together to draft and pass a community led alternative proposal. NQ has been an agent of change and transformation to include the development of affordable housing.
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